The story of Vanessa and Ryan begins with a meeting worthy of a romantic film. Vanessa, a Quebecois with an adventurous heart, and Ryan, equally eager for discovery, hailing from British Columbia, were fortunate enough to cross paths on an airplane, where destiny began weaving the threads of their story.Their love quickly grew, nourished by their shared
Here is a visual recap of Marie-Alexia and Jordan's wedding. This beautiful wedding took place at the Auberge du Lac à l'eau Claire
Kiana and Lee: A Love Story Amidst the PandemicTheir storyIn the midst of a world facing a pandemic, Kiana and Lee found each other and their soulmates. Meeting in 2020, they were instantly drawn to each other's kindness and sense of humor. Unable to stay away from one another, they soon found themselves living together and planning